I used to write all the time...
when my children were small and my husband worked nights...
in those days, there wasn't enough decent programming on TV to worry about too many distractions....
I would put the kids to bed, sit down and write until my husband got home.
I wrote poems, children's stories, song lyrics but, mostly, I just wrote my thoughts...
(true, they were for my eyes only, but I couldn't imagine then, who else would want to read them.)
Who could have known then, that one day, a whole bunch of people would be doing that very same thing and for an audience much larger than themselves....?
Even though we post our blogs... for millions to read...
(should we be so lucky)
most blogs that I have written and read,
still seem so very personal in nature.
Maybe it's just the times we are living in....
with the distance between us,
the long working hours, the TV programs, internet, games
and so many other things to distract us and keep us from talking to each other,
we still have a need to 'talk to someone'......
so we blog.