Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Watching Big Brother

Oh my gosh...'Big Brother' was just filled with drama tonight...not one...but TWO house guests taken away by freaky was that?!!
I had to watch it late...thank goodness for DVRs.
My oldest daughter Wendy, had to go to Omaha to pick up her husband, John. He flew back from Salt Lake City...his mom's in pretty bad condition. Prayers to her and the family.
That's three trips to Omaha in just over a week...hopefully that's IT for a while. I used to travel all over the United States...not so much anymore!
I am soooo far behind on everything!! I asked Jaime to finish up my ACEOs needing shipping, while I was gone to Omaha....she couldn't find them. It was late enough when I got back..I'll just have to do it first thing tomorrow. Nothing is late going out but, I really do like to do fast shipping whenever I can.
I really need to get some new paintings painted...I am losing all of the ideas I've come up with the past few days...I think from all the 'traveling' I'm doing to and from Omaha:)
I've got a new Squidoo Lens I hope folks will's the link...

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