Sunday, January 6, 2008

I Should Be Working

I should be working..I suppose maybe I am since I haven't updated any of my blogs in a while.
But, I have prints to print, shipping to do and a bunch of ACEOs to paint.
Today is 'family day'...everyone shows up for dinner and some visiting. Grandbabies make a mess (which is what grandbabies do) and I won't feel like doing much after everyone leaves...but, here I am...writing in my blog.
That's okay. Maybe I just work better under pressure..I have for so many years, it must be natural for me.
I back up on eBay again...after all of my complaining! Part of my problem...I love checking throughout the day, to see if I have any new bids. I've done it for four years and just couldn't break the desire.
I do list on ArtByUs..which is an art auction site. But, I haven't sold anything from there in a couple of years and the activity there is just not enough. I've sold on OverStock...but, only large abstract pieces.
So...for what I want to do in 2008...Etsy and eBay are the sites for me.
I love Etsy..but, I do get buried quickly.
I'm not as fond of eBay...because of the 'glitches' they don't seem to be in any hurry to correct..but, it's fun to see new bids coming in.

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